Tag Archives | Vision

Die goed wat jy weet, maar nie doen nie!

Toe ek hoor Tom Peters kom Suid-Afrika toe, was ek al halpad Jozi toe. Tot my linkerbrein inskop om te kyk wat die uitstappie my sal kos.  Ek weet ghoeroes soos Tom is nie goedkoop nie, maar die hoop beskaam mos nie.

Groot was die ontnugtering na al my somme gemaak is.  Nodeloos om te sê, ek kon nie Jozi toe nie. Ek kon met dié geld amper vir Bryce Lawrence in Nieu-Seeland gaan kuier!

My teleurstelling het in moerigheid omgesit toe ek sien wie wel daar sou wees. Maatskappye en instansies wat my swaarverdiende geld mors, het reeds geregistreer.  En ek wat hulle befonds om aan te jaag, kan nie. ’n Baie bitter pil om te sluk!

Maar, ten spyte van my afwesigheid, sê Tom het hy sy besoek aan Suid-Afrika baie geniet. Hy het die hoop uitgespreek dat die afgevaardigdes huiswaarts sou keer om met groter vasberadenheid nuwe goed te probeer.  Of soos hy dit stel …which is not truly new, but, rather, old things we all know that are typically overlooked in the heat of pressing events.

Toevallig dat hy dit sou noem, want nou die dag na ’n praatjie van my, sê ’n vrou vir my dit was vir haar vreeslik lekker, sy het die praatjie geniet en al daai ordentlikhede. Maar, gaan sy voort, dit wat ek gesê het, is mos eintlik nie iets nuut nie.  Ons weet mos die goed.

My flipflop as jy dit dan weet, hoekom doen jy dit nie? En hoe kan ’n mens nou eintlik begrippe soos visie, passie en roeping elke keer nuut verpak? Die ou spreekwoord sê mos jy kan nie van perdedrolle vye maak nie. Dalk soms, maar nie elke keer nie.

Tog, die tannie is reg. As dit by motivering kom, is daar nie te veel nuut onder die son nie.  Dit is dieselfde goed wat ons baie goed weet, maar net nie doen nie.

Motivering, en positiwiteit, is soos pille drink.  Jy moet dit gereeld doen. Een pil is net nie genoeg nie. Behalwe natuurlik as dit ’n setpil is.

Meer as een pil is nodig om die kiem op sy plek te sit.  En dan is dit in die meeste gevalle dieselfde pil.  Nie elke keer ’n ander een nie. Hoor mooi: Dieselfde pil, maar die truuk is dat jy dit gereeld neem.

Ek glo die mense wat so gelukkig was om na Tom Peters te kon luister, het na sy aanbieding op die wolke geloop, want die man kán mense besiel.

Net tot die wolkeloper by sy kar kom en sien die lugdraad is afgebreek. Poef! Weg is Tom se motivering!

Om onder sulke omstandighede positief te bly is nie altyd maklik nie, maar daar is tog ’n paar pilletjies wat help: 

  • Praat positief – met ander en in jou eie kop.
  • Dink positief – oor ander en oor jou self.
  • Doen positief – voel jou pols. Jy lewe!
  • Bevriend positief – Hallo vir positiewe mense; bye-bye vir natbroeke en moangatte.
  • Vee voor jou eie deur – Daar is geen verskoning dat jy nie positief kan wees nie.  Jy verwag dit dan van ander!

 Alweer meer as een pil! En ek hoor jou sê, dit is niks nuut nie. Ek weet dit alles.

Doen dit dan; hoop ek hoor jy mý sê!


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Rohn

My life is my message. – Gandhi

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. – Aristotle

Image: posterize/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Om uit te hou of te vou?

Ek sit nou een oggend by die verkeerslig en wag dat dit moet groen word dat ek kan ry. Oor Radio-sonder-Mense trek Kenny Rodgers los met die baie bekende countryliedjie The Gambler: You got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em…

Volgens my kaartspelervriende het hierdie lied se woorde, of moet ek eerder sê, raad, ikoonstatus onder pokerspelers bereik.  ’n Mens moet glo weet wanneer om maar liewer jou hand neer te sit as om jou uit ’n swak posisie te probeer bluf.

Almal weet teen hierdie tyd al dat ek ’n groot Tom Peters dissipel is, en soos ek gereeld een keer ’n week doen, kyk ek weer wat het TP te sê.  En soos die toeval dit wil hê, het hy presies baie, en in geen onduidelike taal nie, oor die wysheid van dié dobbelaar se raad te sê.

Ek haal hom direk aan en as jy skrikkerig is vir kragwoorde, moenie verder lees nie!

“… it all reminded me of a Very Sensible Saying that I think is pure, unmitigated crap, in fact the World’s Worse Advise: Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em.  As I said … pure crap.

Forget “fold ‘em”. Drop it from your vocabulary.  Excise it.  Bury it.  Stomp on its grave. If you care, really care, really really care about what you are pursuing, well, then, pursue-the-hell-out-of-it-untill-hell-freezes-over-and-then-some-and-then-some-more. And may the naysayers roast in hell or freeze in the Artic or bore themselves to death with the sound of their “statistically accurate” advice.

It’s a good fortnight to bring this up.  I’ll bet the farm, my farm, or at least an acre thereof, that less than 1% of the 10,000 athletes in Beijing moved smoothly through their careers.  I’ll bet virtually all had coaches who advised them hang it up, “career-ending” injuries, humiliations heaped upon humiliations, and so on. And on. And yet they persisted. And they’re in Beijing.

My anonymous visiting friend gave me The Pixar Touch: The Making of a Company, by David Price. Consider this paragraph:

“One of the curious aspects of Pixar’s story is that each of the leaders was, by conventional standards, a failure at the time he came onto the scene. [Animator-superstar John] Lasseter landed his dream job at Disney out of college — and had just been fired from it. [Tech genius and founding CEO Ed] Catmull had done well-respected work as a graduate student in computer graphics, but had been turned down for a teaching position and ended up in what he felt was a dead-end software development job. Alvy Ray Smith, the company’s co-founder, had checked out of academia, got work at Xerox’s famous Palo Alto Research Center, and then abruptly found himself on the street. [Steve] Jobs had endured humiliation and pain as he was rejected by Apple Computer; overnight he had transformed from boy wonder of Silicon Valley to a roundly ridiculed has been …”

That is, shit happens. And if enough of it happens to you, then, if you are wise, you’ll fold ’em. And God (and I) will love you just as much as if you’d endured — but we won’t read about you in the history books.

Now if you do indeed “endure” — well, we probably won’t read about you either, because the odds indeed are long against you making it to that history book or Beijing. I readily admit that.

But if you really really, really care …

About computer animation. Or rowing. Or the shotput. Or those supercalifragilisticexpialidocious chocolate-chip cookies you bake.  Or haiku. Or better ways to provide a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious customer experience.

If you really really really really really care … then there ain’t no time to fold ’em until your last breath is drawn — and even that’s too soon if you’ve bothered along the way to inflame others about your presumed Quixotic cause.

In the (doubtless not) immortal words of Tom Peters: “There’s a time to hold ’em and a time to keep on holdin’ ’em — if you really really really care.”

Miskien moet ek eerder in die toekoms na Marvin Gaye se ain’t no mountain high enough luister, voor ek my kaarte wil vou?


It is a shameful thing for the soul to faint while the body still perseveres. – Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Being defeated is often a temporary condition.  Giving up is what makes it permanent. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. – Josh Billings

Many say I am just one to try. I say I am one less to quit. – Diego Marchi

Image: Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Maan toe of moer toe?


One small step for man ...


Hierdie post is ‘n opsomming van my aanbieding met dieselfde titel. Mense het al gevra waar hulle ‘n DVD van die aanbieding kan koop (verbeel jou!) of hulle wil dit vir hulle kind/man/bure gaan vertel, maar kan nie alles onthou nie. Hier is dit nou. (Sonder die prentjies) Jammer vir die lank wag.

Wanneer laas het jy na die maan gekyk en gewonder hoe dit sou wees om daarop te kan loop?

Vandat Neil Armstrong en sy makkers hul voete daarop gesit het, is dit of die maan sy magiese aantreklikheid vir baie mense verloor het.  Ons was mos al daar!  Hoeveel onse is daar in jou pond? vra ek.

Ek loop daagliks mense raak wat net nie meer maan toe wil gaan nie. Nie letterlik of figuurlik nie.  Hulle het net nie meer die begeerte om daardie amper onbereikbare iets aan te pak nie.  Hulle drome maak hulle ook nie meer bang nie, want ek dink hulle droom nie meer nie!  Dalk was hulle al ook dáár …

Daar is ook dié wat sê dat hulle te oud is.  Te oud om nog dinge te wil doen.  Om nog te droom om by die maan uit te kom. Al is dit net eendag.

Ander sê weer dit is die misdaad en korrupsie in Suid-Afrika wat hulle van die maan weghou.  Of dit is die swak elektrisiteitsvoorsiening en die politici wat hulle self ten koste van ons arme drommels verryk, wat in hulle pad maan toe staan. 

Maar daar is tog nog baie, ongeag ouderdom, wat sê: vat my maan toe! 

Die saak is eintlik heel eenvoudig. Wil jy, of wil jy nie? Maklik. Dit is net ’n simpel keuse. JK Rowling vat dit mooi saam as sy sê: it’s our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our ability.  Of in Afrikaans gesê: Maan toe of moer toe!

Vir dié wat kies om nie maan toe te wil gaan nie, die maklike keuse,  is dit moer toe.  Vir die ander wat die moeiliker keuse maak, is dit maan toe.  Sonder enige belofte dat jy wel daar gaan kom.  Maar ten minste gaan jy probeer.

En dit is vir hulle wat ek ’n space case gepak het om daar uit te kom.

In hierdie tassie het ek 10 goed gesit wat jy op pad na die maan nodig gaan hê.  Ek noem hulle in geen orde van noodsaaklikheid nie en gee ook net ‘n kort beskrywing waarvoor dit gebruik kan word:

1.  Kompas: Hierdie apparaat simboliseer visie. Of jy nou maan of winkel toe gaan, jy moet weet hoe jy daar gaan kom en wat jy daar gaan maak.  Ook só in die lewe.  Hellen Keller sê: The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.

2.  Blikkie Redbull: Passie, passie en nog ‘n keer passie!  Jon Bon Jovi het gesê passion, not pedigree will win in the end.  En hoe reg is hy nie! As jy die maan wil haal, gaan jy meer as net ‘n teelepel passie nodig hê.

3.  ‘n Glas: ’n Mens kan tog nie op jou reis na die maan die heeltyd uit ’n tandepastabuis wil eet nie!  Veral nie wyn drink nie! Maar eintlik is die glas net daar om jou, as die reis moeilik raak, te herinner dat jy moet onthou dat jou glas half vol is.  Nie half leeg nie.  Die glas is die simbool van optimisme.  Jy gaan die maan net haal as jy optimisties is.

4.   Pakkie Vetkryte: Nie net een nie. Al die kleure van die reënboog! Om maan toe te gaan sal jy soms kreatief moet wees.  Om dié rede die kryte. Jy kan nie vir juffrou Rottenmeier van jou graad 1-klas blameer dat sy jou kreatiwiteit opgefoeter het nie.  Kreatiwiteit het niks met jou kleinspierkoördinasie, of hoe mooi jy tussen die lyne kan inkleur, te make nie.  Dit het alles te doen met hoe uit-die-boks jy kan dink.

5.  Skaal: Die skaal is nie net om mee te weeg nie, maar om jou te herinner dat ’n mens balans nodig het om suksesvol te wees. Almal ken die ou spreekwoord all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, maar baie min pas dit suksesvol in hulle lewe toe.  Jy sal baie uitgebrande wrakke op pad maan toe sien.

6.  Twitterrekening: As jy die maan wil haal, sal jy al die nuwe tegnologie tot jou beskikking moet gebruik om daar te kom.  Van tweet tot Facebook.  Daar is nie meer enige verskonings nie.  Of gebruik jy nog ’n telraam?

7.  Maatband: Meet om te weet!  ‘n Ou gesegde, maar baie is te bang om te weet. Jy moet jou reis, en dit waarmee jy besig is, gereeld evalueer.  Of jy nou daarvan hou of nie.  Dit is die enigste manier om te weet hoe naby of ver jy van die maan is.

8. Supermanbadge: Daar is bewerings dat Superman hom daar iewers in die ruimte bevind en ons wil liefs nie in sy verkeerde boekies beland nie.  Daarom die badge.  Jy wil wys jy is hom goedgesind en kom in vrede. Maar eintlik is die badge daar om jou te herinner dat jy iets besonders aanpak.  Amper so heroïes soos ’n heldedaad van einste Superman. Verbeel jou jy is Superman en jy gaan soos ’n superheld begin optree.

9.  Wonderbra: Behalwe dat jy dié kledingstuk as ’n noodwaaierband of masker kan gebruik, is dit eintlik daar vir die ondersteuning! Op jou reis gaan jy ondersteuning van jou medereisigers nodig hê.  Let dus mooi op na wie klim saam met jou in die ruimtetuig.

10.  Koerant: Koerante het stories.  Deesdae nie te opbeurend nie, maar soms kom daar stories soos die van Larry Walters verby.  Larry se storie kom sê vir jou dat as jy maan toe wil gaan, sal dit ’n roeping moet wees en nie ’n job nie.

Nou moet jy besluit.  Maan toe of …

Jy kan, soos hulle in ’n destydse suikerrietadvertensie gesing het, bly soos jy is, of jy kan wegbreek …

Bly soos jy is, en moer toe is jou voorland!

Breek weg en die moontlikheid is daar dat jy die maan kan haal. Of dalk nie.  Wat maak dit saak?  Ten minste het jy probeer.  En dit is eintlik die probeer wat die meeste saak maak.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting GERONIMO!   – Bill McKenna

When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. – Unknown

A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. – John Barrymore

The best thing in every noble dream is the dreamer… – Moncure Conway

Image: Evgeni Dinev/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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Apple every day – The Steve Jobs way!

Daar is al baie oor Steve Jobs gesê en dat daar nog baie oor hom gesê gaan word, is so seker soos dat daar binnekort ’n nuwer weergawe van die iPad sal verskyn.

Dit is egter nie net Steve Jobs se uittrede as CEO van Apple wat my interesseer nie, maar ook sy leierseienskappe.  Wat is dit wat hy het wat gemaak het dat Apple vandag een van die grootste maatskappye in die wêreld is en boonop miljoene fanatiese aanhangers het?

I scrutinised the web and printed media and made the following shortlist of what made Steve so successful:

  • Steve Jobs may not be the greatest technologist or engineer of his generation. But he is perhaps the greatest user of technology to ever live.
  • He is able to see a company from the outside, rather than inside as most managers do.
  • Steve trusted his instinct. Some may call it vision. That required an ability to think first and foremost as someone who lives with technology rather than produces it. And he was willing to gamble based on that instinct.
  • He was Apples’ biggest fan. If you listen to Steve’s legendary presentations over the years, he comes across not as the creator of a product so much as its very first fan.
  • Steve has a great eye for talent and the bigger picture. He taught his organization to develop a product for the second or third generation rather than a once off.

Apple was onder Steve nie altyd die maklikste plek om jou brood te verdien nie.  Mense wat hom ken en ook die binnewerke van Apple beleef het, beskryf Jobs so toeganklik soos ’n junkyard dog.

Onder Steve Jobs se leierskap was Apple a brutal and unforgiving place, where accountability is strictly enforced, desicions are swift, and communication is attriculated clearly from the top.

In baie organisasies sou bostaande korporatiewe kultuur reglynig bots met wat van ‘n leier verwag word: geloofwaardigheid, bedagsaamheid, sensitiwiteit, nederigheid asook ’n goeie dosis kreatiwiteit, intelligensie en ’n strategiese brein soos Napoleon.

Maar hoe het Steve dit dan reggekry om net met die helfte van bogenoemde eienskappe te oorleef? Kenners beweer dat mense hom sy gebreke vergeef het, want wat hy aan takt en sensitiwiteit ontbreek het, het hy opgemaak met sy ongelooflike en helder visie vir dít wat hy vir Apple wou hê.

Die vertrek van Steve Jobs laat Applewerknemers en -aanhangers met ’n bekommernis oor die pad wat vir hulle geliefde produk wag, want met Steve besig om aan die appel te kou, kon hulle rustig slaap …  en wag vir nog ’n WOW-produk!

Miskien is dit gepas om Steve die laaste woord te laat inkry (party sal sê, soos gewoonlik):  Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

Nog ‘n paar aanhalings van Steve Jobs:

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.

I want to put a ding in the universe.

We made the buttons on the screen look so good you’ll want to lick them.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


Cliff Kuang: FastCompany

Joe Nocera: New York Times

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot


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How to create White Space

When I hear the term Visionary Leader a picture of a person perched/sitting on a hilltop sprung to mind. And this imaginary person is not sitting around idly but is diligently peering into the distance. To the faraway horizon, to the future …

This is what all leaders do.  Not all the time, but leaders have to schedule time to climb the proverbial hill and to go and see what is happening on the horizon. Maybe you will see the trouble or the solution coming. Before it unexpectedly hits you between the eyes.

Yet, the demands of leader’s jobs don’t allow them that luxury. Let alone the space to actually stop and think.

Sabina Nawaz wrote in an article, This Space Intentionally Left White, that leaders are hired for their intellectual horsepower. But in the midst of the hustle and bustle of their job, there is little space to breathe.

And breathe they must. For when you breathe you start to think.  Perhaps when somebody tells you to take a deep breath, they are actually telling you to start thinking!

Nawaz recommends that the leaders she coaches have to schedule a time during their busy week for doing nothing but thinking and to pay attention to what emerges in the absence of the noise of their normal activities.

She calls this the creation of white space.    

To do precisely that, is difficult. Allowing for white space in our lives goes against our normal way of doing things. But according to Nawaz white space gives us the opportunity to think beyond our current problems and issues.

She recommends that to be successful at creating white space, leaders must be intentional about setting up some quiet time. The following is her four prerequisites to succeed in creating your personal white space:

  • Set aside a specific time in the week. Block out that time in your schedule.
  • Turn off the noise. Don’t answer telephones or emails.
  • Experiment until you find the right format for you. Journal, walk, meditate or go climb the hill.
  • Keep your white space dates. You need to practise perspective.

All of us have heard of the sacrifices leaders made for their career or work. How they have missed their children’s birthdays and how they operate under tight timelines and competitive pressures. But most of them don’t make time to make their minds wander. To climb the hill …

Creating white space in your busy schedule lets you hear and think in a new way.

Source: HBR Network, Sabina Nawaz, This Space Intentionally Left White, July 1, 2011 

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. – Henry Ford

If you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big. – Donald Trump

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. – George S. Patton

Image: Apple/’s Eyes Studio


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Creativity-The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Terwyl hardwerkende onderwysers ’n bietjie kon asemskep, het die minister van onderwys, me. Angie Motshekga, die nasionale asseseringstoetse vir geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid (Gr. 3 en Gr. 6) bekend gemaak. (Waarom doen die departement altyd sulke aankondigings tydens vakansies?)

Hierdie keer met veel minder trompetgeskal as die martiekuitslae van verlede jaar. Want soos dr. Wilmot James tereg sê daar is geen rede tot feesviering nie. Wie wil na ’n dokter toe gaan wat net vier uit tien vrae reg kan beantwoord? Motshekga het die uitslae as hartseer beskryf, maar gesê dit was te verwagte. (Die Burger 29/6/11).

Hierdie toetse evalueer maar net, soos wat my oupa gesê het, optel lees en skryf. Wat nog te sê van die ander belangrike goed soos byvoorbeeld kreatiwiteit? ‘n Vaardigheid wat noodsaaklik geword het in ons moderne samelewing en ekonomie.

In the USA the conference Board and Americans for the Arts, in partnership with the American Association of School Administrators, surveyed public school superintendents and business executives to identify and compare their views surrounding creativity.

They gave them a list of 11 skills or observable behaviours and ask them to rank which ones best demonstrate creativity.

The two groups agreed that the ability to identify new patterns of behaviour or new combination of actions and integration of knowledge across different disciplines are foremost in demonstrating creativity.

They also agreed that innovation is crucial to competition, and creativity is integral to innovation. And that arts training – and to a lesser degree, communications studies – are crucial to developing creativity.

But as with a lot of these theories it’s not so easy to put your money where your mouth is; or to walk your talk.

The findings of the survey also indicated that most high schools and employers provided such creative training and studies only on an elective or “as needed” basis.

When asked to name the educational backgrounds and experiences deemed creators of creativity, school superintendents ranked arts study as the highest indicator of creativity, followed by experience in performing arts/entertainment. The employers rank arts study second, topped only by self-employed work, as an indicator of creativity.

When the superintendants were presented with a list of 12 creativity-promoting educational activities/experiences, more than three-quarters reported that each one (excluding study-abroad programs) is supported within their high schools. However, in more than half of these schools, only three of these experiences/activities are part of the required curriculum.

Teen hierdie tyd dink ek weet ons almal al dat kreatiwiteit niks met kleinspierkoördinasie te make het nie. 

Kreatiwiteit het te make met die aanbied van die regte vakke in ons skole en blootstelling aan aktiwiteite wat die kreatiwe deel van ons leerders se brein stimuleer.

Al wat oorbly om te vra, is: Hoe ingestel is Suid-Afrika se skole op kreatiwiteit? Meer nog: Hoe kreatief is jou skool?

(Bron: Ready to Innovate: Are Educators and Executives Aligned on the Creative Readiness of the US Workforce? James Lichtenberg, Christopher Woock, Mary Wright. The Conference Board, Research Report 1424, 2008.Report)

Ten slotte:

A public school teacher was arrested today at O R Tambo International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, the Attorney General said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the Hawks with carrying weapons of math instruction.

“Al-Gebra is a problem for us’, the Attorney General said. ‘They derive solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values. They use secret code names like X and Y and refer to themselves as unknowns, but we have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say,There are 3 sides to every triangle.”

When asked to comment on the arrest, President Zuma would not comment.

Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts. Albert Einstein

Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. – William Plomer

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.  Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams

Image: Salvatore Vuono/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Missie of Visie?

Foto: Graur Codrin

Al gewonder oor wat is missie en wat is visie? Klink dan amper dieselfde!

Dalk gevoel jy moet onnosel wees omdat dit voel of net jy nie verstaan nie. Dit lyk dan, as jy na al die instemmende kopknikke om jou kyk, of almal op dieselfde bladsy is. Net jy nie …

Wees verseker jy is nie alleen nie. Baie van die kopknikke is soos die hondjie in die Cortina se agterruit. Dit knik maar onwillekeurig kop. Verstaan of te not.

Dewald de Kock van die Stellenbosch Gemeente het in sy aanbieding by ‘n onlangse onderwyskongres, KDA Great Escape, hul visie met die afgevaardigdes gedeel. Ek dink dit is so relevant en toepaslik, dat ek dit graag hier aanhaal:

  • Haal diep asem.
  • Beleef ‘n groter storie.
  • Skep luistertyd.
  • Leef omgekrap.

Hierdie is mos nou iets waarvoor ek ook my kop kan knik!

Om oor na te dink:

  • Make your life a mission – not an intermission.  – Arnold Glasgow
  • The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. – Helen Keller
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