Pinotage and the Grace of God

South Africa’s winemakers are as colourful as the rainbow nation they represent.  Innovative, creative, funny and some of them even cheeky.  But as down to earth as the soil from which they harvest the fruit for their individual masterpieces.

Over the coming months, or maybe years, Piesangs & Jellietots will let you meet the men and woman who put their passion and craftsmanship into a bottle for us to enjoy.

To kick-off this series, there is no better person than my brother Beyers Truter from Beyerskloof.


In the cellar with Beyers

Beyers were born in the Klein Karoo town of Oudtshoorn. Matriculated in Jan van Riebeeck High School in Cape Town and studied at the University of Stellenbosch.

He started his career in winemaking at Kanonkop and from there moved to his present location, Beyerskloof.

Beyers are known around the world as the Pinotage King and his passion is undoubtedly red wine. As co-owner and winemaker of Beyerskloof he still believes that all his success is due to the grace of God.

He has won numerous local and international awards throughout his career.

Locally the one which stands out is being an unequaled 10 time winner of the ABSA Pinotage Top 10 Awards as well winning the Diners Club Winemaker of the Year award in 1987 for Pinotage.

Beyers have won a multitude of International recognition and awards, and have particularly achieved great heights at one of the World’s most respected International Competitions, the IWSC.

He received the Robert Mondavi Trophy for the international winemaker of the year in 1991 and the Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande Trophy for the Best Blended Red Wine were awarded to him twice. (1994 and 1999)

To get to know what makes Beyers tick, I asked him the following questions:

  • Why did you become a winemaker?

I initially wanted to be a medical doctor, but I realized at the time that wine was my hobby and passion.  So I decided to follow that calling.

  • What is the best wine you have made?

I still have to make my best wine.  I’m still trying.

  • The best wine you have drunk?

1972 Simonsig Pinotage and Chambertine Closde Bezé (year unknown)

  • If not winemaker, what else?

Medical Doctor.

  • What’s left on your bucket list?

I want to catch a big galjoen and a massive crayfish.  Also to be able to keep on making wine for a long time to come. And a food and wine show about sea-food; how to prepare it the natural way.  And a standup show with my brother Rian.

  • What pet(s) do you have?

Dogs. The flagship Diesel Pinotage was named after my last dog Diesel; a cross between a Great Dane and a bull mastiff. I now have two blends.

  • What’s your favourite TV Program?

Ultimate Survival, The Naked Chef (Jamie Oliver) and Gordon Ramsay’s cooking show.

  • What song(s) do you sing in the bar/shower/car?

Psalms and Hymns.

  • What motto do you live by?

Live life to the fullest.

  • What do you think of Box wine?

Lekker, ja!

  • What wine do you drink if not your own?

Any nice and tasty wine anywhere in the world.

  • What cultivar was the wine at the wedding reception in the New Testament

Pinotage, off course!

  • Tent or Hotel?


  • How do you relax?

Fishing, diving, golfing and spending time with my family.

In the tasting glass:

 Faith Cape Blend 2008

 The benchmark.  A full bodied Cape Blend with an intense dark claret colour.  Sweet berry and pepper flavours are superbly balanced with new French oak.  This wine is big in structure, although supple, with strong tannins ensuring a long finish with a refreshing acidity.  A wine to treasure, with the complexity to age for 12 – 15 years.  Ideally matched with game dishes, red meat, pork and spicy foods.

 Price: R450 | 021 865 2135





Pinotage is a wine made of woman’s tongues and lion’s hearts.  If you have drunk a sufficient quantity, you can fight the devil and talk forever. – Unknown

 Hoe min mense sou te veel drink as die hoofpyn in die prop was, in plaas van in die boom van die bottel. – C.J. Langenhoven

 Photo in Cellar: Thinus Slabber


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Uiteindelik! ‘n Steakhouse met Styl.

Ek vang ‘n groot gly aan restourant- en kosresensies wat vir my in die fynste detail alles wil vertel.

Van die wurmgehapte, organiese slaaiblare wat agter die linkerwiel van die ou trekker gepluk word tot die hoofsjef se kleinkind met die kroephoesie laat in die nag.

Al wat ek eintlik wil weet, is die plek OK?

En The Hussar Grill in Stellenbosch is OK.  Inteendeel, dit is baie meer as OK.  Dit is besonder OK.  Só OK dat ek genoodsaak voel om iets daaroor te skryf.


Saam met die WOW-mense van Hussar Grill in Stellenbosch.


The Hussar Grill is definitief ‘n besoek werd.  En moenie dink jy kan net daar opruk en hulle gaan ‘n traan wegpink omdat jy by die voordeur is nie.  Nee, bespreek liewer, want hulle bly tjokkenblok vol geboek.

Vir my is die grootste pluspunt dat hulle nie ‘n kurkfooi vra nie.  Iemand het uiteindelik gesnap dat ons in die Kaap bly en dat die meeste van ons nie net vir die WP skree nie, maar ook ons eie wynversameling het.  En dat ons  graag daardie spesiale bottel wil drink sonder om nog ekstra te moet betaal. Volpunte aan Hussar!

Met die eerste hap aan my rib eye was ek terug in Argentinië. Die smaak,  geur en reuk het my teruggevat na ‘n vleishemel êrens in ‘n steakhouse in Beunos Aires. Ek het amper omgekyk op soek na die gaucho en sy meisie wat die tango gaan dans. Olé, Señor!

Die nagereg is iets waarvoor ‘n mens maar ‘n week of twee ekstra by Weight Watchers sal moet bly. Ons het, behalwe die gewone crème brûlée, ook hul Choclate Vodka oor die lippe geneem. Laat ek dié skepping net opsom deur te sê dié nommertjie sal ‘n kerkmens laat sonde doen … baie sonde, só lekker is dit.

Die atmosfeer van The Hussar Grill is statig sonder om jou aan die parlement te laat dink.  En die diens is van die beste wat ek in ‘n lang tyd ervaar het.  Persoonlike diens wat jou laat voel hulle het toe regtig nét vir jóú gewag.

Die eienaars, Graig Foxcroft en David Pieterse, kry dit reg om ‘n ete by The Hussar Grill in ‘n WOW-ervaring te omskep.  Dit help natuuurlik ook as die kelnerin ‘n oud-Dee Effer is!

My raad: moenie wag nie!  Gryp daardie spesiale bottel en sit oop-en-toe af na The Hussar Grill.  Onthou net om eers jou plek te bespreek!

My favourite animal is steak. Fran Lebowitz

A recipe has no soul. You as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe. – Thomas Keller

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. – JRR Tolkien

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Deel jou kennis!

Tom Peters

Tom Peters is nie iemand wat skroom om sy sê te sê nie. Hy glo ook daaraan dat kennis gedeel moet word  almal sterker en beter te maak. Op soek na die WOW!

Soos gewoonlik beveel hy sterk aan dat ons hierdie stukkie  moet steel en ons eie maak!  Hierdie keer die skoenmaatskappy, Zappos, se 10 Korporatiewe Waardes:

  1.         Deliver “WOW!” through service.
  2.         Embrace and drive change.
  3.        Create fun and a little weirdness.
  4.         Be adventurous, creative and open-minded.
  5.         Pursue growth and learning.
  6.         Build open and honest relationships with communication.
  7.         Build a positive team and family spirit.
  8.         Do more with less.
  9.         Be passionate and determined.
  10.            Be humble.                        (The Korn/Ferry Institute Mag, Q2:2010)

  A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business. – Henry Ford

  Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. – Oscar Wilde


Image: Allison Shirreffs 

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Creativity-The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Terwyl hardwerkende onderwysers ’n bietjie kon asemskep, het die minister van onderwys, me. Angie Motshekga, die nasionale asseseringstoetse vir geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid (Gr. 3 en Gr. 6) bekend gemaak. (Waarom doen die departement altyd sulke aankondigings tydens vakansies?)

Hierdie keer met veel minder trompetgeskal as die martiekuitslae van verlede jaar. Want soos dr. Wilmot James tereg sê daar is geen rede tot feesviering nie. Wie wil na ’n dokter toe gaan wat net vier uit tien vrae reg kan beantwoord? Motshekga het die uitslae as hartseer beskryf, maar gesê dit was te verwagte. (Die Burger 29/6/11).

Hierdie toetse evalueer maar net, soos wat my oupa gesê het, optel lees en skryf. Wat nog te sê van die ander belangrike goed soos byvoorbeeld kreatiwiteit? ‘n Vaardigheid wat noodsaaklik geword het in ons moderne samelewing en ekonomie.

In the USA the conference Board and Americans for the Arts, in partnership with the American Association of School Administrators, surveyed public school superintendents and business executives to identify and compare their views surrounding creativity.

They gave them a list of 11 skills or observable behaviours and ask them to rank which ones best demonstrate creativity.

The two groups agreed that the ability to identify new patterns of behaviour or new combination of actions and integration of knowledge across different disciplines are foremost in demonstrating creativity.

They also agreed that innovation is crucial to competition, and creativity is integral to innovation. And that arts training – and to a lesser degree, communications studies – are crucial to developing creativity.

But as with a lot of these theories it’s not so easy to put your money where your mouth is; or to walk your talk.

The findings of the survey also indicated that most high schools and employers provided such creative training and studies only on an elective or “as needed” basis.

When asked to name the educational backgrounds and experiences deemed creators of creativity, school superintendents ranked arts study as the highest indicator of creativity, followed by experience in performing arts/entertainment. The employers rank arts study second, topped only by self-employed work, as an indicator of creativity.

When the superintendants were presented with a list of 12 creativity-promoting educational activities/experiences, more than three-quarters reported that each one (excluding study-abroad programs) is supported within their high schools. However, in more than half of these schools, only three of these experiences/activities are part of the required curriculum.

Teen hierdie tyd dink ek weet ons almal al dat kreatiwiteit niks met kleinspierkoördinasie te make het nie. 

Kreatiwiteit het te make met die aanbied van die regte vakke in ons skole en blootstelling aan aktiwiteite wat die kreatiwe deel van ons leerders se brein stimuleer.

Al wat oorbly om te vra, is: Hoe ingestel is Suid-Afrika se skole op kreatiwiteit? Meer nog: Hoe kreatief is jou skool?

(Bron: Ready to Innovate: Are Educators and Executives Aligned on the Creative Readiness of the US Workforce? James Lichtenberg, Christopher Woock, Mary Wright. The Conference Board, Research Report 1424, 2008.Report)

Ten slotte:

A public school teacher was arrested today at O R Tambo International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, the Attorney General said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the Hawks with carrying weapons of math instruction.

“Al-Gebra is a problem for us’, the Attorney General said. ‘They derive solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values. They use secret code names like X and Y and refer to themselves as unknowns, but we have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say,There are 3 sides to every triangle.”

When asked to comment on the arrest, President Zuma would not comment.

Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts. Albert Einstein

Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. – William Plomer

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.  Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams

Image: Salvatore Vuono/

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Wat doen jy op 14 September?

Wil jy vir my wysmaak dat jy nie aan aardverwarming en die ander groenbollie glo nie. Nie eens die sneeu in Beaufort-Wes en die ongewone somer in die middel van die Kaapse winter gaan jou van sienswyse laat verander nie!

Al Gore se jongste inisiatief, The Climate Reality Project, poog om die neem van dringende aksie teen klimaatverandering, nog ‘n keer onder die wêreld se aandag te bring.

Hy beklemtoon dat daar te veel mense en instansies is wat baie geld bestee om die mensdom te laat glo dat daar geen rede tot kommer en vir die neem van aksie teen klimaatverandering is nie.

Op 14 en 15 September skop The Climate Reality Project met ‘n internasionale 24-uur mediagebeurtenis, 24 Hours of Reality, af.  Hierdie gebeurtenis sal vir vier-en-twintig uur lewendig en in verskeie tale oor 24 tydsones gebeeldsend word.

Gore hoop om hiermee weereens die aandag op die klimaatsverandering wat deur die mens veroorsaak word, te vestig …

En reeds elke dag deur ons gevoel en waargeneem word.

Gaan kyk asseblief na die video hieroor by

 All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it’s here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. – Barack Obama

 For every expert that says humans are the cause of “climate change” there are 10 more who say we aren’t. – Bradley A. Blakeman

To be clear, climate change is a true 800 pound gorilla in the room. The effects of global warming threaten global environmental upheaval over the coming century. – Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Image: Carlos Porto/


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Daar bestaan ‘n persepsie onder sportliefhebbers dat die Proteas chokers is.  En dalk ook die Stormers, want hulle kom só naby, maar net nie tot by die beker nie.

Immediately I hear you say but it’s only someone’s perception. When you do this you unfortunately dismiss the other person’s perception and in reality that perception is their reality at that moment in time.  Perceptions can only be altered when an individual is provided with new reliable information that compels them to change their perception.

All this got me thinking about schools and businesses that struggles daily with how their customers perceive them.  You can ignore these perceptions or you can take a brave step back and look at your organisation through your customers’ eyes.  Which ever way you choose, remember that perception is so powerful that it can make or break you!

Hoe dan nou gemaak met hierdie choker necklace wat ons manne saamsleep?  As ek Graeme was, sou ek minder verskonings maak en meer probeer uitvind waarom die mense dink ek en my span op kritieke oomblikke nie die wa deur die drif kan trek nie.  Omdat ek graag sal wil hê die mense tuis moet op Vrydae ondersteunershemde dra, sal ek probeer uitvind waarom hulle dink dat ons chokers is.  Die naakte waarheid is dat hulle persepsie die enigste is wat regtig saak maak.

A customer or supporter’s perception of you or your company, team or family evolves from a variety of sources:

  • Their experience with you in the past
  • Their experiences with others that offer what you offer
  • The actual experiences of their friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances with you or your competition
  • Their interpretation of the experiences of their friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances
  • Their interpretation of what your policies and procedures actually are
  • Their opinion of what your policies and procedures should be
  • Their translation of what you have told them (The Training Bank).

Believe it or not, it’s a person’s perception that affects his behaviour. Each person uses past experience and processes current communication in making decisions and acting accordingly.  Expectations are developed regarding a situation, service or product.

In order to influence a change in someone’s perception, eventually in the hope of affecting his/her behaviour, you first need to have a clear understanding of that perception.  What does the person believe is true?  Once you know that, you can work to influence change in thinking.

Of jy nou ‘n skool bestuur, produkte verkoop of ‘n krieketspan aanvoer, dit gaan nie help om stroomop te swem nie.  ‘n Sinvoller oplossing is om uit te vind wat jou ondersteuner/kliënt se persepsie van jou is.  Méér nog, om te begryp dat hulle persepsie vir hulle die enigste werklikheid is.  En dit is met hierdie werklikheid, reg of verkeerd, waarmee jy moet handel. Miskien moet die woord eerder wees, onderhandel?

As jy verstaan waar persepsies vandaan kom en wat hulle ‘n werklikheid maak, kan jy hulle volgende keer oor die grens moker.  Maar as jy dieselfde persepsies ignoreer of as onbenullig afmaak, mag jy paniekerig raak en op die kritieke tydstip been voor paaltjie betrap word.

Image: Ambro

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‘n Oggend by Home Affairs

As staatsdepartemente na idiome vernoem moet word, sal Binnelandse Sake die naam Departement van Job se Geduld kry.

Ek moes hulle onlangs besoek om my paspoort te hernu. Bygesê; sal enige regdenkende mens hulle sommer sonder rede gaan besoek?

Ná gruwelstories oor hoe lank ek gaan wag, en van mense wat as vermis opgegee is in hul poging om ’n ID te bekom, is ek gepantser met voorafvoltooide vorms en alles wat ek dalk kon nodig kry Binnelandse Sake toe.

Om presies twintig oor nege stap ek deur die deure van Binnelandse Sake.  Hul Engelse naam, Home Affairs, beskryf vir my eintlik beter wat tussen daardie mure gebeur.  Nie dat dit enigsins huislik is nie; Nataniël sal dadelik ’n binneshuise versierder vir die plek wil opkommandeer. 

Dat dit ’n affair is, is baie nader aan die waarheid.

’n Mens kan hierdie hele oefening op twee maniere benader.  Eerstens kan jy dit filosofies benader en ’n wilsbesluit neem dat jy jou nie sommer gaan laat ontstel nie. Of jy kan jou vooraf so opwerk oor alles wat gaan/kan gebeur dat jy jou humeur binne die eerste 30 sekondes verloor.  Iets wat nie moeilik is om by Home Affairs reg te kry nie.

Ek is met die nommer-een-benadering daar in.  In die ry ingeval en my nommer gekry. Eerste skok. Nommer 584!

Kalm bly. Daar is nét 583 mense met vorms voor jou. Onthou vir Esme en Jan:  Elke donker wolk het ’n silwer randjie!

Ná ’n bietjie positiewe selfmotivering sak ek tussen ’n diverse Suid-Afrika op ’n bank neer. Korreksie: harde bank neer.

Die oom langs my grinnik simpatiek toe hy my nommer sien. Ek voel asof ek na die nommers van verlede naweek se lottotrekking kyk. Weer nie my nommers nie!

Die oom sê: Wiet djy dat hulle djou ’n rand vra om die toilit te gebruik?

Ek sê: Nee, maar dit is seker om al die rondlopers en bosslapers uit te hou.

Hy sê: Ma dis waarom securitie mos da is! Wie dink djy kry die geld?

Ek sê dat ek nie weet nie, maar dat al die R1-besoeke nogal ’n klomp geld op ’n dag vir iemand kan inbring.

Hy sê: Die plek is oek nie meer soes in die ou dae nie. Toe was dit bieter …

Ek sê: Wat het dan verander?

Hy sê: Hulle sorg nou net vir hulle se mense en hy trek so met sy vinger oor sy wang om te wys wie dan nou eintlik die skuldiges is.

Hy sê: Ek wonne wat hulle sal maak as iemand met ’n swak blaas nou die toilit ’n klomp keer moet besoek en hy hettie geld nie?  Gaan hy somme da voor hulle laat los?

Ek sê: Ja, amper soos die wet van Transvaal!

Hy sê: Hie moet ’n man Djob se geduld hê.

Ek sê: … en Salomo se wysheid!

Skielik hoor ek ’n stem roep dat nommer 584 na toonbank drie moet kom.

Twee uur en 40 minute later loop ek by Binnelandse Sake uit. Gescan, gevingerafdruk, gediversifiseer en hopelik met ’n nuwe paspoort êrens in die onverstaanbare sisteme en prosesse van Home Affairs.

Wat gaan hulle maak as hy sommer daar voor hulle laat los?

Wie sal weet?


Bureaucracy is the art of making the possible impossible. – Javier Pascual Salcedo

I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut … I don’t need a receipt for the doughnut. I give you money and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. We don’t need to bring ink and paper into this. I can’t imagine a scenario that I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut. To some skeptical friend, don’t even act that I didn’t get that doughnut. I’ve got the documentation right here … It’s in my file at home … Under “D” – Mitch Hedberg

Image: africa/


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Green me up Scottie!

The Green Ghoen

 All this fuss about being white, black or coloured is a puff of smoke in the bigger picture of things.

The only colour that really matters is Green!  And in how green are you?

From my early childhood I can remember a book titled Die Groen Ghoen written by well known Afrikaans writer PH Nortjé.  Last year Gys de Villiers used roughly the same title and wrote a play called Groen Ghoen. A play that ask questions about how man is treating our one and only planet, mother earth.

I have decided that I will name my new recycle bin, in honour of the book and play, Die Groen Ghoen (The Big Green Marble).

The act of christening my bin fills me with anticipation and excitement. There may just be enough time left to save the earth … and ourselves.

 Let’s look at just a few recycling benefits:

  • A well-run recycling program cost less to operate than waste collection, land filling and incineration.
  • Recycling creates four jobs for every one created in the waste management and disposal industries.
  • Every ton of paper that is recycled saves 17 trees.
  • The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to light a light bulb for four hours.
  • Recycling conserves natural resources, such as timber, water and minerals.

It’s a proven fact that recycling benefits both the economy and the environment. And what benefits these two, benefits me and you!

Come on, where’s your recycle bin? 

Dit is nou of nooit!

Our generation has inherited an incredibly beautiful world from our parents and they from their parents. It is in our hands whether our children and their children inherit the same world. We must not be the generation responsible for irreversibly damaging the environment. – Richard Branson

Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans. – Jacques Cousteau

Beam me up Scotty. There’s no intelligent life down here. – Bumper Sticker



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Smile you’re on Social Media!

At this stage in my life I needed a new challenge.

Something like Facebook.

I can hear teacups rattling and people choking on their sandwiches. Can’t you find something more edifying? Something safe?  More your age?  Never thought you would go that way!

I thought so too.  But now that I have taken the brave step and finding that I am still alive, I am beginning to like it.  Even thinking about starting to twit, or is it tweet?

But why? I hear you ask.  I have a few close friends that also shake their heads in dismay and promise me that they will rather die than be on Facebook. Why so extreme? I will rather Facebook and be alive.  Sounds like a better choice to me!

Let me tell you why and what I have discovered over the last weeks:

  • First, it’s not that difficult. If you’re able to read and know how to access the internet, you can do it.  Tip: let the youngsters help you.  They love to share their superior knowledge.
  •   Facebook is not from the devil. Same with MXit and the other social sites.  In a lot of these cases the unknown lends itself to wrongful and evil interpretations.  But I won’t disagree that the devil may also know about these tools.
  • Facebook helps me to communicate with my friends and family. It facilitates the sharing of knowledge … or so they say!
  • It’s the biggest photo album in the world.  You don’t have to wait for your children to come back from holiday to see their photographs.  You can view it the moment they share it on Facebook.
  • News is instant.  Much like the old plaastelefoon in days gone by.  It feels if you are eavesdropping on your friends.  The only difference; it’s legal!
  • But be warned!  Facebook can also be dangerous.
  • Say only on Facebook what you would be prepared to say in public.  The same with photographs.  Only post pictures that you would be proud to see printed on the back page of a national newspaper.
  • Watch out whom you allow as your friends. Everybody is not your friend.  You don’t have to accept their invitation to become friends.  Especially people who haven’t been friends with you over the last fifty years.  Suddenly they want to be your friend.  Nonsense! Just remember that you already have enough friends as it is.
  • I have discovered that there is a difference between a personal profile and a page for a business.  A lot of people don’t know this fact and open a personal page for their business. Do a bit of research before you dive into the ocean of social media …

Dat daar altyd doemprofete oor enige nuwe tendens/uitvindsel sal wees, is ‘n feit soos ‘n koei.  Maar ek het my les jare gelede met die sage van die vrotmelkkultuur geleer!  Toe ek na maande se wik en weeg besluit om tot dié geledere toe te tree, toe val die bedryf se boom uit …

Nie weer nie.  Ek onderskryf nou Jack MacAllister se motto if you don’t make dust, you eat dust.

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell. – Seth Godin

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.  – Bill Gates

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks.  – Author Unknown

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot/FreeDigitalphotos

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Wie maak vir Gansbaai lekker?


Image: Dr Joseph Valks/ 

Die gestoei oor watter spanne in die finaal van die Super Rugbyreeks gaan speel, het my onwillekeurig laat wonder wat maak ’n span of mens suksesvol.  Hoe bepaal jy hoe goed jy/skool/besigheid is en is net die wenners altyd die beste? 

Miskien lê die antwoord op dié vrae opgesluit in die bekende liedjie van oorlede Worsie Visser, Wie maak vir Gansbaai lekker? In een van die aangepaste Gansbaailiedjies antwoord ’n ander kunstenaar dat dit die seemeeu is. 

Ek wil hiervan verskil, want net mense wat daarvan hou dat ‘n seemeeu op hulle kom bollie, sal hiermee kan saamstem!  Die iets wat Gansbaai lekker maak, is net jy en jy en weer jy!  Jóú betrokkenheid maak Gansbaai lekker.

If you have never heard of Worsie in your whole life, let’s use the words of Joe Dolan to tell you who is responsible: It’s you, it’s you it’s you …

Success relies heavily on commitment and investment. Commitment from everyone involved in the process, be it education or be it Gansbaai. To achieve any form of success the role players will have to invest skill, time and passion.  

And a lot of themselves.

Eighty percent of success is showing up. – Woody Allen

You don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you. – Meryl Streep

Image: Dr Joseph Valks/

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