Tag Archives | Pinotage

Piesang & Jellietot Moments!

Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu’un long discours.
Struggling with your French? Don’t worry. This is what Napoleon said:

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Or it’s been claimed that these famous words were uttered by the little general himself.

I thought that we will put this theory to the test and in this post I want to share two magic Piesang & Jellietot moments with you.  Enjoy!

1. Diners Club Young Winemaker of the Year 2012

The past 18 months P&J interviewed 12 winemakers. Among them was Anri Truter who was awarded the prestigious Diners Club Young Winemaker of the Year award for his 2010 Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage. What makes this award extra special is that his father, Beyers Truter, won the Diners Club Winemaker of the Year award in 1997. Congratulations to Anri and his Beyerskloof team.

Anri and his wife Nadia with the awards.

Pinotage jou lekker ding!

You can read about all the winemakers featured by clicking on their names in the list below:

Anri Truter, Beyerskloof

Abrie Beeslaar, Kanonkop

Beyers Truter, Beyerskloof

Carla Pauw, Saltare Wines

Charles Hopkins, De Grendel

Corius Visser, Croydon Estate

Debbie Thompson, Simonsig

Eric Saayman, Riebeek Kelders

Ernst Gouws, Ernst Gouws & Co

Hendrik Snyman, Chabivin

Louis Nel, Louis Wines

Rudi von Waltsleben, D’Aria

2.  Cupcakes for the winner

Ronell van Wyngaardt, winner of the second prize, in P&J's birthday competition with Sitka de Bruin from SitCakes.

Order cupcakes from Sitka at Sitcakes: sitkamagee@hotmail.com

That was one of the best pizzas I have ever eaten in my life. The cheese was so good it made me faint. – Elvis Presley

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. – Neale Donald Walsch

It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be. – Paul Arden

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Debbie Thompson: Nie bang om voor te stap nie!


Saam met Debbie op Simonsig

Boesmanland vat my hand …

Hoe gebeur dit dat ‘n meisie van Springbok as Suid-Afrika se vrouewynmaker van die jaar aangewys word?

Wyn is mos amper, net soos Engels, ’n vreemde besigheid daar tussen die gousblomme en amperse woestyn! Brits word net in ekstreme omstandighede, soos vir selfsverdediging, gepraat en wyn net by die nagmaal gebruik.

Maar soos met baie goed in Namakwaland, moet jy nie dat dit wat jy sien jou mislei nie. Wat vir jou soos sand lyk, is eintlik ’n swanger blomtuin en die matriekmeisie van die Hoërskool Namakwaland is een van Suid-Afrika se toekomstige wynmaaksterre.

Debbie Thompson (Burden) is ’n gebore en getoë Namakwalander. Nie so duidelik waarneembaar as jy na haar uitspraak luister nie, maar as jy tog mooi oplet, kan jy die Namakwalandse oorronding optel.

Sy het as kind op Oranjemund gebly en later op Springbok groot geword. Gematrikuleer aan die plaaslike hoërskool en deelgeneem aan netbal en alle ander aktiwiteite denkbaar gedoen.

Haar aanvanklike gedagte was om ’n veearts te word, maar omdat die keuring streng en die toelating min was, besluit sy om eers net vir B.Sc. by Universiteit Stellenbosch in te skryf.  Dalk sal sy na haar eerste jaar aansoek doen vir Veeartsenykunde in Pretoria.

 Gelukkig vir wyndrinkers reg oor die wêreld, en ongelukkig vir die diere, byt die wyngogga Debbie gedurende haar eerste maande op Stellenbosch. Na verskeie wynproeë verander sy haar kursus na B.Sc.Agric. met spesialisering in Wynkunde.

Sy voltooi die finale praktiese komponent van haar kursus op Hazendal onder toesig van Ronell Widd en word gedurende hierdie tyd vir ’n onderhoud op Simonsig Landgoed genooi.  En later vir ’n tweede onderhoud. En Johan Malan sien raak dat hierdie student van Springbok die eerste vrouewynmaker van Simonsig kan word. Die res is geskiedenis.

 Debbie vorm vandag, as rooiwynmaker, saam met Johan Malan as keldermeester en Hannes Meyer as witwynmaker Simonsig se formidabele span.

Volgens Debbie was haar eerste pars op Simonsig vir haar die ergste. Sy was ’n totale groentjie en boonop ’n vrou in ’n manswêreld. Sy was nie net in beheer van die pars nie, maar moes ook leiding gee en vir die ou hande wys dat sy voor kan stap.

Sy sê sy het baie gestres en baie gehuil. Maar met harde werk en tipiese Namakwalandse vasbyt, het sy die eerste toets geslaag.

Sedert daardie eerste pars het Debbie baie toekennings en eerbewyse ontvang. Tussen al die Veritas Dubbelgoud en die ABSA Top Tien-toekennings bly die aanwysing as Vrouewynmaker van die Jaar in 2005 vir haar die kosbaarste. Sy skryf haar toekennings toe aan harde werk, maar ook aan goeie spanwerk. Prestasies behaal jy nie op jou eie nie en sy praat met groot trots en deernis van die manne saam met haar in die kelder.

Sy is intussen getroud met, soos sy sê ’n Engelsman, Simon Thompson (ook in die wynbedryf) en is die ma van een. Die tweede gaan sy/haar opwagting tydens volgende jaar se pars maak.

Om Debbie beter te leer ken het ek haar die volgende vrae gevra:

Waarom het jy ’n wynmaker geword?

Wynmaak is ’n proses waarin jy jou kreatiwiteit kan uitleef en ook jou persoonlike stempel kan afdruk. Dit kombineer die praktyk en teorie vir my. En ek kry die kans om soms buite te werk!

• Wat is die beste wyn wat jy ooit gemaak het?

Simonsig Redhill Pinotage 2003

 • Wat is die beste wyn wat jy gedrink het?

Châteauneuf du Pape 1995

As jy nie ’n wynmaker geword het nie, wat dan anders?

Veearts of dalk wildbewaarder.

• Wat is onafgehandel op jou bucket list?

Baie oorsese reise. Veral na Toskane in Italië.  Die fliek Under the Tuscan Sun is een van my gunstelinge en dan Mauritius. Die laaste een moet saam met die hele familie en al die kinders wees.

• Troeteldier(e)

Honde. ’n Boerboel en Jack Russel.

Gewildste TV-program

Brothers and Sisters en mag ek sê … 7e Laan!

• Watter liedjie sing jy in die kelder/stort/kar?

AC/DC – You shook me all night long. Dit was die instapliedjie op ons troue.

• Jou lewensmotto?

Aanhouer wen!

Wat dink jy van bokswyn?

Daar is beslis ‘n plek vir bokswyn;  so lank die mense net wyn drink! Ek is baie gekant teen die snobisme wat met wyn gepaard kan gaan. Ons kan te ernstig raak oor wyn.

Watter wyn drink jy as jy nie jou eie drink nie?

Oldenburg Vineyards se Cabernet Sauvignon of Cabernet Franc.

• In watter kultivar het Jesus die water by die troue in die Nuwe Testament verander?

Pinot Noir. Dit is ’n moeilike kultivar om goeie wyn van te maak.

• Tent of Hotel?


• Hoe ontspan jy?

Draf. Ek draf elke dag in my etensuur so 5 kilometer. Dit maak my kop oop en ek kom buite.

In die proeglas: Simonsig Redhill Pinotage 2009

Analysis: Provided by Simonsig

Alcohol: 15% vol

Residual Sugar: 2.1 g/l

Total Acidity: 6.05 g/l

Ph: 3.34

Style: Full bodied wood matured Pinotage from a specific vineyard site.

Wine Description: Dense opaque colour. A tapestry of dark luscious fruit. Effortless expression of intense notes of plum and mulberry. A thread of cinnamon spice and vanilla pod adds dimension to this tapestry. Tightly knitted yet smooth tannins sculpture a lingering palate of fruit filled delicacies.

Wood Maturation: 17 months oaking.

Serving Suggestions: Cape Malay bobotie, seared tuna, slow roasted belly of pork, oven roasted rack of lamb, crispy duck salad with hazelnut praline.


021 888 4932


The real Antichrist is he who turns the wine of an original idea into the water of mediocrity. – Eric Hoffer

Life is too short, and I’m Italian. I’d much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0. – Sophia Bush

Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. – Basil Bunting


Simonsig Landgoed se imposante ingang


Restaurant en proelokaal


Daar is beslis genoeg wyn!


Studie in nuwehout

Simonsig laat die Kaap vonkel!







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Veels geluk, Piesangs & Jellietots!

Op 28 April is Piesangs & Jellietots een volle jaar oud!

Sedert P&J se ontstaan, het daar 75 posts verskyn en 6 883 mense het om die een of ander rede op P&J se webblad gaan kliek. Al hierdie feite is nie om te spog nie; sommer net vir die interessantheid en gedink julle sal wil weet.

Ek wil ’n groot dankie sê aan al P&J se getroue lesers. Voorkopsoene (ala Sitka) vir almal! Veral die wat vir die e-poskennisgewings aangeteken het.

En om hierdie mylpaal te vier, wil ek die eerste P&J-kompetisie aan die rol sit. Maar soos met alles in die lewe gaan, daar is nêrens ’n free lunch nie! Ek soek iets terug.

Eers die pryse.  Ja daar is meer as een:

1e Prys:  ’n Eksklusiewe wynproe vir jou en drie pelle saam met Beyers Truter op Beyerskloof en ’n getekende bottel Beyerskloof Pinotage. Jy gaan uit die vate proe en ook die geleentheid kry om saam met Beyers ou wyne uit sy privaatkelder te beoordeel.



2e Prys: Die beste cupcakes in die Suide! Gebak deur Sitka Basson van Sitcakes. ’n Volle dosyn liplekkerverleidelikheid net vir jou.




Wat moet jy doen om te wen?

Daar is geen vrae wat jy moet beantwoord of kwalifiserende rondtes nie! Jy moet net e-posadresse verskaf. Die rede:

Ek soek nog mense wat P&J wil lees. Mense wat ek op die e-poslys kan plaas. Vir elke 2 wettige adresse wat jy verskaf, kry jy een inskrywing in die kompetisie. Gee jy 10 name, dan het jy vyf kanse. Só eenvoudig.

Maar die adresse moet asseblief van mense wees wat jy in hierdie saak geken het.  Hulle moet nie gespam word nie, want dit maak hulle kwaad. Baie kwaad. En hulle moet P&J wíl lees. Dit is uiters belangrik.

Hoe neem jy deel?

1.  Gaan na die Contact-bladsy bo aan die hoofblad van Piesangs & Jellietots. As jy sukkel met die Contact-bladsy, stuur sommer jou inskrywing met die gevraagde inligting aan: truterrian@gmail.com

2.  Voltooi jou info soos gevra.

3.  Voltooi onderwerpspasie as: P&J Kompetisie #1

4.  By boodskap skryf die e-posadresse wat jy deurgee.

5.  Voltooi die sekuriteitskode soos gevra.

6.  Druk die Submit-knoppie en siedaar jy is ingeskryf!


1. Die beslissing van die beoordelaar is finaal.

2. Almal mag deelneem. So veel keer as wat jy wil!  Familie en vriende ook.

3. Geen agteraf gemoan en gevloek word toegelaat nie.

4. Regverdigheid en eerlikheid sal geskied. Ons is immers kerkmense.

5. Foto’s sal van die wenners gepubliseer word.

6. Pryse moet teen einde November 2012 opgeneem word.

7. Sluitingsdatum: 24 April 2012

Kom neem deel! Jy ken beslis twee mense wat P&J sal wil ontvang.

Hierdie mag jou gelukkige dag wees!


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Anri Truter sends Bill Clinton packing!

With Anri in the tasting room at Beyerskloof

Anri Truter is as homegrown as the lyrics in a well known Afrikaans folk song – Die Stellenbosse boys kom weer.

Anri, winemaker at Beyerskloof Estate, is a true born and bred product of Stellenbosch. Born in Stellenbosch, grew up on Kanonkop Wine Estate and matriculated at Paul Roos Gimnasium. After school he and a friend took a gap year in Europe where they worked in a wine shop, a coopery and even an ice cream factory!


Welcome to Beyerskloof - The home of Pinotage

After the year in Europe he enrolled at Elsenburg Agricultural College where he completed his studies in winemaking and viticulture. During his time at Elsenburg, if not studying or making wine, he played rugby for the College. A favourite pastime of his.

With Beyers Truter as father, and literally learning to walk and talk on a wine farm, some will say it was destined that Anri would follow in his father’s footsteps. Even more so if you rubbed shoulders with wine icons like Boland Coetzee, Sakkie Kotze, Kevin Arnold and Francois Naude.

Anri first thought he might become a game ranger because he loves wildlife and nature.  Till he realized how scary lions can be! But for a man who is scared of lions he showed no fear in prohibiting the president of the United States of America to visit Kanonkop!

It was a Saturday afternoon and the annual Nederburg Wine Auction was in full swing and Anri, then fourteen, was home alone and in charge of the farm.  When Bill Clinton’s aides got to the farm and asked to be allowed on to the premises Anri told them it would not be possible. He was the only one there and he could not allow it. The president can come back at a later time!


Anri and Beyers

Maybe it’s because of this cool-headedness under pressure why Wine Magazine labeled him as one of the rising stars of the South African wine industry.

“For a young winemaker, Anri is surprisingly traditionalist. I am a sucker for tradition in wine, he laughs, adding that he imagines the industry would be better off head it been kept small. It would have been nice to make wine in the ‘80s and ‘90s. In those years all the winemakers knew each other, shared ideas, got together for tastings and the industry had much more of a family feel to it.”

But don’t let the youth of this winemaker fool you. During his short career he already won enough trophies and accolades like Veritas, ABSA Pinotage Top 10 to satisfy most people. The latest feather in his cap was when the Beyerskloof Merlot was awarded the SA Champion Trophy for the best young merlot in the country at this years SA Young Wine Awards.

To get to know Anri a little better, I asked him the following questions:

 > Why did you become a winemaker?

     I think it’s the passion and the effort that goes into making a  good wine that intrigued me. And the satisfaction of the final product. The influence of my father also played a part but he never put pressure on me to become a winemaker.

  • What is the best wine you have made?

          2009 Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage

  • What is the best wine you have drunk?

          Château Margaux 1999

  • If not a winemaker, what else?

        Game ranger

  • What’s left on your bucket list?

        A trip to South America with my wife. Visit the Amazon jungle and Argentina.  To experience a true asado and to taste their wine.

  • What pet(s) do you have?

          None at the moment.

  • What’s your favourite TV program?

         My Family

  • What songs do you sing in the cellar/shower/car?

         Rock songs.  Songs from bands like Doughtry and Nickelback.

  • What motto do you live by?

         Live with passion. I think James Dean said: Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.

  • What do you think of box wine?

         If you can get past the first glass, it get’s better. As a student I  had a lot of it and I believe the quality got better.

  • What wine do you drink if not your own?

          Kanonkop Paul Sauer and Kleine Zalze Chenin Blanc

  • What cultivar was the wine at the wedding reception in the New Testament?

          We would like to believe, Pinotage!

  • Tent or hotel?

          Both.  I like camping but after a week I need more luxury.

  • How do you relax?

         I like playing gholf and to dive for crayfish. Watching rugby; but that’s not relaxation anymore! A braai with friends or family.


Anri and Travis after a dive at Vermont


In the tasting glass:

Beyerskloof Brut Pinotage Rosé 2010

Varietal: 100% Pinotage

Soil: Hutton, Clovelly 

Trellising: Bush vines

Age of vines: 10 – 20 years old

Vintage notes: The 2010 harvest will be remembered for small yields especially on the red cultivar but ensured greater quality.

Winemaking: The juice was soaked on the skins for 12 hours, to extract sufficient amounts of colour and structure; whereafter primary fermentation took place at 12°C for almost two weeks. After crushing, the grapes went through a press where all the juice was pressed at 0.5 bar, to produce a base wine. After additional three months on the lease the wine undergoes a second fermentation in stainless steel tanks. The wine is then left on the lease for another 2 – 3 months and then bottled.

Colour: Elegant coral pink colour 

Bouquet: Crisp, red current and sweet cherry notes with floral perfume aromas.

Tasting notes: Opulent fruit gives way to classic biscotti, crushed apples, cinnamon and candy floss. Well rounded and inviting with a crisp acidity. A sparkling wine that resembles a classic French Champagne infused by our very own Pinotage. A perfect aperitif or drink for any occasion.

www.beyerskloof.co.za | 021 865 2135


Wine makes a man better pleased with himself; I do not say that it makes him more pleasing to others. – Samuel Johnson

Alcohol is a very necessary article … It makes life bearable to millions of people who could not endure their existence if they were quite sober. It enables Parliament to do things at eleven at night that no sane person would do at eleven in the morning. – George Bernard Shaw

A man cannot make him laugh – but that’s no marvel; he drinks no wine. – W. Shakespeare

Images: Thinus Slabber and self


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Abrie Beeslaar skrik nie maklik nie!


Saam met Abrie in Kanonkop se verouderingskelder.

Kanonkop word deur die mense wat weet, as een van Suid-Afrika se beste wynplase beskou. Gelykstaande aan ‘n Premier Cru of First Growth êrens in Frankryk.

Groot geeste soos Paul Sauer, Jannie en Mary Krige, Jan Boland Coetzee en Beyers Truter het hulle merk op hierdie besonder vrugbare grond gelaat.  Om dus in hulle voetspore te volg, moet ‘n man by wyse van spreke druiwekorrels van staal hê!

Maar Abrie Beeslaar skrik nie maklik nie. Hoekom sal hy, want hy is van kleins af gewoond om in groot manne se spore te loop.  Louis Leipold, David Kramer en nobelpryswenner JM Coetzee is almal boorlinge van sy geboortedorp Worcester.  Hy is dus gewoond om in die dampkring van legendes asem te haal.

Abrie voltooi sy skoolloopbaan op Worcester en martrikuleer aan Hoërskool Montana. Volgens hom was Worcester net ver genoeg van die Kaap dat hy kreatief moes wees as hy wou stout wees. Hegte vriendskapsbande wat tydens hierdie jare gesmee is, bestaan vandag nog.

Na skool wou hy medies studeer, maar word nie gekeur nie en begin met ‘n graadkursus in Landbou aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Volgens hom het hy voor dit nooit aan landbou as beroep gedink nie.  Hy ontdek verkeie fasette in die wingerd en wynbou wat hom stimuleer en kom boonop tot die besef dat hy tegelykertyd kan werk én wyn drink!  Hy sê hy kan nie glo dat daar nie meer mense is wat Wynbou om presies hierdie rede studeer nie!

Na die verkryging van sy graad begin hy by Swartland Kelder werk. Hierna volg Kanonkop in 2002.  Abrie se kreatiwiteit kom op Kanonkop tot sy volle reg en verskeie pryse soos Veritas dubbelgoud en Absa Top 10 Pinotage-toekennings volg. Die hoogtepunt is egter as hy in 2008 as die internasionale wynmaker van die jaar aangewys word en die Wolff-Blass trofee verwerf.

Abrie is ‘n mens-mens. Almal se pêl, soos David Kramer sou sing. Vir hom gaan dit nie oor geld en roem nie, maar om altyd ‘n tjoppie en wyn in die yskas te hê. Dan is hy ‘n skatryk mens.

Om meer van die mens, Abrie Beeslaar, te wete te kom het ek hom die volgende vrae gevra:

Waarom het jy ‘n wynmaker geword?

Heel toevallig.  Ek is nie vir medies gekeur nie en toe het ek begin Landbou swot.

Wat is die beste wyn wat jy ooit gemaak het?

Die 2003 Paul Sauer saam met Beyers Truter en die 2007 Paul Sauer CWG.

Wat is die beste wyn wat jy gedrink het?

1991 Kanonkop Pinotage

As jy nie ‘n wynmaker geword het nie, wat dan anders?


Wat is onafgehandel op jou bucket list?

Dalk ‘n eie stukkie grond? Eie kelder?


Beslis honde.  Op die oomblik soek ek weer na een, want my boerboel is onlangs dood.

Gewildste TV-program


Watter liedjie sing jy in die kelder/stort/kar?

Iets van Bob Marley of  The Smiths.

Jou lewensmotto?

As jy nie vorentoe beweeg nie, dan gaan jy agteruit. Streef altyd na die volgende stap in die lewe. Voed die dryf in jou.

Wat dink jy van bokswyn?

Ek het groot geword daarop. Jy moet eers genoeg daarvan drink om gebottelde wyn te kan waardeer.

Watter wyn drink jy as jy nie jou eie drink nie?

‘n Chenin Blanc uit die Paardebergstreek. Uva Mira se chardonnay. Ettiene le Rich of Morgenster se cabernet.

In watter kultivar het Jesus die water by die troue in die Nuwe Testament verander?

Pinot  Noir

Tent of hotel?

Tent, maar na die pars beslis ‘n hotel!

Hoe ontspan jy?

Braai en drink wyn. Duik ‘n bietjie kreef en vang vis. Probeer gholf speel.


In die proeglas:


Pinotage – 2009
Winemaker: Abrie Beeslaar
Varieties: 100 % Pinotage
Origin: Simonsberg Stellenbosch
Climate: Cold, wet winter with a slow steady ripening period.
Age of Vines: Up to 56 years old. Bush vines only.
Irrigation: None dry land to obtain optimal extraction.
Soil: Decomposed granite, Hutton and Clovelly soils.
Yield: 5.1 tons/ha 3315 lit./ha
Vinification: Fermentation took place in open concrete fermenters. Cap was punched manually every 2 hours and was the juice drawn off the skins after 3.2 days.
Maturation: Matured in 225 lit. French Nevers for 15 months, primarily Vicard barrels 70 % new and 30, 2nd fill.
Description: Full bodied wine with a dark purple colour. Intense fruit flavours with soft ripe tannins give this wine maturation potential of up to 15-20 years.
Food Suggestion: Red meat or spicy Asian style dishes. 

Tel:  +27 21 884 4656



He who loves not wine, women and song remains a fool his whole life long.Martin Luther, 1777

My dear girl, there are some things that just aren’t done, such as drinking Dom Perignon ’53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s just as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!”  – Bond in Goldfinger (1964)

Wine to me is passion.  It’s family and friends.  It’s warmth of heart and generosity of spirit.  Wine is art.  It’s culture.  It’s the essence of civilization and the art of living.  – Robert Mondavi, Autobiography, “Harvests of Joy”



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Pinotage and the Grace of God

South Africa’s winemakers are as colourful as the rainbow nation they represent.  Innovative, creative, funny and some of them even cheeky.  But as down to earth as the soil from which they harvest the fruit for their individual masterpieces.

Over the coming months, or maybe years, Piesangs & Jellietots will let you meet the men and woman who put their passion and craftsmanship into a bottle for us to enjoy.

To kick-off this series, there is no better person than my brother Beyers Truter from Beyerskloof.


In the cellar with Beyers

Beyers were born in the Klein Karoo town of Oudtshoorn. Matriculated in Jan van Riebeeck High School in Cape Town and studied at the University of Stellenbosch.

He started his career in winemaking at Kanonkop and from there moved to his present location, Beyerskloof.

Beyers are known around the world as the Pinotage King and his passion is undoubtedly red wine. As co-owner and winemaker of Beyerskloof he still believes that all his success is due to the grace of God.

He has won numerous local and international awards throughout his career.

Locally the one which stands out is being an unequaled 10 time winner of the ABSA Pinotage Top 10 Awards as well winning the Diners Club Winemaker of the Year award in 1987 for Pinotage.

Beyers have won a multitude of International recognition and awards, and have particularly achieved great heights at one of the World’s most respected International Competitions, the IWSC.

He received the Robert Mondavi Trophy for the international winemaker of the year in 1991 and the Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande Trophy for the Best Blended Red Wine were awarded to him twice. (1994 and 1999)

To get to know what makes Beyers tick, I asked him the following questions:

  • Why did you become a winemaker?

I initially wanted to be a medical doctor, but I realized at the time that wine was my hobby and passion.  So I decided to follow that calling.

  • What is the best wine you have made?

I still have to make my best wine.  I’m still trying.

  • The best wine you have drunk?

1972 Simonsig Pinotage and Chambertine Closde Bezé (year unknown)

  • If not winemaker, what else?

Medical Doctor.

  • What’s left on your bucket list?

I want to catch a big galjoen and a massive crayfish.  Also to be able to keep on making wine for a long time to come. And a food and wine show about sea-food; how to prepare it the natural way.  And a standup show with my brother Rian.

  • What pet(s) do you have?

Dogs. The flagship Diesel Pinotage was named after my last dog Diesel; a cross between a Great Dane and a bull mastiff. I now have two blends.

  • What’s your favourite TV Program?

Ultimate Survival, The Naked Chef (Jamie Oliver) and Gordon Ramsay’s cooking show.

  • What song(s) do you sing in the bar/shower/car?

Psalms and Hymns.

  • What motto do you live by?

Live life to the fullest.

  • What do you think of Box wine?

Lekker, ja!

  • What wine do you drink if not your own?

Any nice and tasty wine anywhere in the world.

  • What cultivar was the wine at the wedding reception in the New Testament

Pinotage, off course!

  • Tent or Hotel?


  • How do you relax?

Fishing, diving, golfing and spending time with my family.

In the tasting glass:

 Faith Cape Blend 2008

 The benchmark.  A full bodied Cape Blend with an intense dark claret colour.  Sweet berry and pepper flavours are superbly balanced with new French oak.  This wine is big in structure, although supple, with strong tannins ensuring a long finish with a refreshing acidity.  A wine to treasure, with the complexity to age for 12 – 15 years.  Ideally matched with game dishes, red meat, pork and spicy foods.

 Price: R450

 www.beyerskloof.co.za | 021 865 2135





Pinotage is a wine made of woman’s tongues and lion’s hearts.  If you have drunk a sufficient quantity, you can fight the devil and talk forever. – Unknown

 Hoe min mense sou te veel drink as die hoofpyn in die prop was, in plaas van in die boom van die bottel. – C.J. Langenhoven

 Photo in Cellar: Thinus Slabber


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