Tag Archives | Social Media

Sosiale media laat my kop raas!

Is dit net ek, of voel dit vir my of die lawaai in die wêreld elke dag meer word.

Lank gelede was dit net die nuus op die radio of die koerant wat my kon ontstel. Nou word ek elke oomblik van die dag met inligting gekonfronteer wat my senuweepunte laat kriewel. Van alle kante en uit alle oorde. Of ek nou wil hoor of nie.

Gemorspos in die posbus. Tele-bemarkers met aanbiedings wat ek nie wil hê nie. Bedelaars by die deur. Massiewe skerms in die winkelsentrums. BBM. SMS. En só kan ek aanhou.

Wat moet ’n mens doen om net weer ’n bietjie stilte te kry?

Of om ’n slag net dit te hoor wat jy wíl hoor?

Die slim ouens sê jy moet eers van alles wat oorbodig of onnodig is, ontslae raak. Weg met alles wat jy die afgelope jaar nie gebruik het nie.  Moenie opgaar nie en les bes my eie raad; raak ontslae van alle natbroeke en moangatte in jou lewe.

Benewens die klompie raserige voorbeelde wat ek genoem het, het ek besef dat sosiale media ook tot die geraas in my lewe bydra. En ek het besluit om iets daaraan te doen.

Ek gaan nie meer mense volg wat probeer kyk hoeveel tweets hulle kan stuur nie! Asof dit ’n kompetisie is! Veral nie as meer as die helfte van die tweets in elk geval gerecycle (retweet) is nie!

Ek gaan ontslae raak van al my FB-vriende wat elke dag hulle papegaai of goudvis se jongste gier en grinne aanstuur.

As dit al is wat jy kan sê, dan is dit nie vir my nie.

Ek wil baie graag van die belangrike dinge in jou lewe weet.  Die oorspronklike en regte jy. Dinge wat jy self uitgedink en ervaar het.

Ek wil nie elke keer weet as jy toilet toe gaan of die lig aanskakel nie. Ook nie dat jy gaan slaap of opstaan nie. Ek verwag dit van jou. Ek like dit om van jou vakansie, jou kinders, kleinkinders en nuwe plekke te hoor, maar Oliver Tambo? Regtig?

Facebook en Twitter, en die res, is seer sekerlik daar om ons lewens te verryk. Beslis nie om nog meer geraas en snert tot ons daaglikse bestaan te voeg nie. Daarvoor het ons in elk geval mos ons politici.

As jy dus waarneem dat jy van my lysie verdwyn het, weet net dit is nie iets persoonlik nie. Ek is steeds baie lief vir jou, maar die geraas maak my doof!

En as ek raas, maak my stil.



Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an asteroid. – Mark Twain

When the river is deepest it makes least noise. – Proverb

Ten persons who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent – Napoleon Bonaparte


Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Smile you’re on Social Media!

At this stage in my life I needed a new challenge.

Something like Facebook.

I can hear teacups rattling and people choking on their sandwiches. Can’t you find something more edifying? Something safe?  More your age?  Never thought you would go that way!

I thought so too.  But now that I have taken the brave step and finding that I am still alive, I am beginning to like it.  Even thinking about starting to twit, or is it tweet?

But why? I hear you ask.  I have a few close friends that also shake their heads in dismay and promise me that they will rather die than be on Facebook. Why so extreme? I will rather Facebook and be alive.  Sounds like a better choice to me!

Let me tell you why and what I have discovered over the last weeks:

  • First, it’s not that difficult. If you’re able to read and know how to access the internet, you can do it.  Tip: let the youngsters help you.  They love to share their superior knowledge.
  •   Facebook is not from the devil. Same with MXit and the other social sites.  In a lot of these cases the unknown lends itself to wrongful and evil interpretations.  But I won’t disagree that the devil may also know about these tools.
  • Facebook helps me to communicate with my friends and family. It facilitates the sharing of knowledge … or so they say!
  • It’s the biggest photo album in the world.  You don’t have to wait for your children to come back from holiday to see their photographs.  You can view it the moment they share it on Facebook.
  • News is instant.  Much like the old plaastelefoon in days gone by.  It feels if you are eavesdropping on your friends.  The only difference; it’s legal!
  • But be warned!  Facebook can also be dangerous.
  • Say only on Facebook what you would be prepared to say in public.  The same with photographs.  Only post pictures that you would be proud to see printed on the back page of a national newspaper.
  • Watch out whom you allow as your friends. Everybody is not your friend.  You don’t have to accept their invitation to become friends.  Especially people who haven’t been friends with you over the last fifty years.  Suddenly they want to be your friend.  Nonsense! Just remember that you already have enough friends as it is.
  • I have discovered that there is a difference between a personal profile and a page for a business.  A lot of people don’t know this fact and open a personal page for their business. Do a bit of research before you dive into the ocean of social media …

Dat daar altyd doemprofete oor enige nuwe tendens/uitvindsel sal wees, is ‘n feit soos ‘n koei.  Maar ek het my les jare gelede met die sage van die vrotmelkkultuur geleer!  Toe ek na maande se wik en weeg besluit om tot dié geledere toe te tree, toe val die bedryf se boom uit …

Nie weer nie.  Ek onderskryf nou Jack MacAllister se motto if you don’t make dust, you eat dust.

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell. – Seth Godin

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.  – Bill Gates

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks.  – Author Unknown

Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot/FreeDigitalphotos

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