Tag Archives | Charity

One small step …

In watter liggaamsdeel kramp jy as jy oor nasionale TV sê jy wens die pikkewyn in jou tuin by Bettiesbaai kry ‘n virus en vrek? En dit as jy 79 jaar oud is?

Wat maak ’n mens so onvergenoeg en só behep met jouself? Ouderdom? Of sommer net ’n ingatgeit wat geen perke ken nie?

Vir sulke mense wil ek sê: Hou ’n slag op om net vir jouself te leef.  Die wêreld is heelwat groter as jy.

Hou op kla oor alles en almal en hou op om vir jou kleinkinders te vertel van die goeie ou dae. Miskien weet ek nie so baie van die goeie ou dae soos jy nie, maar ek onthou darem party wat maar bra bollie was!

Moenie jou skouertjies optrek en vir my sê niks wat jy doen gaan tog help nie.  Hoe kan die ou klein bietjie wat ek dan nou doen tog ‘n verskil maak? Die oormag is net te groot!

Ek wonder wat moeder Teresa vir die pikkewyne sou gesê het? Beslis nie ek hoop jy vrek nie!

Wat sy wel gesê het, is if you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

Hou op wag vir die Groot Knal-ingryping wat jou pikkewynprobleem gaan oplos. Doen iets. Span self ’n draad.

Koop ’n roomys en gee dit vir die man, met die baie kinders en geen werk nie, by Willowbridge se kruising.

Glimlag vir die suring langs jou.  Oeps, sorrie … Dis jóú weerkaatsing in die ruit!

Borg ’n kind se kampgeld by Potato Foundation of maak ’n donasie vir fetale alkoholsindroom by die Faith Fund.

Raak ontslae van al die klere wat jy nie dra nie en gee dit vir mense wat dit nodiger het as jy.

Dóén ’n slag net iets. Gee die eerste tree. Al dink jy dis klein.

Miskien gaan jy nie dadelik die verskil sien nie, maar jy gaan beslis beter voel.


A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. – Jack London

You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. – Robert Louis Stevenson

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. – Peter Marshall

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Ashley Kaimowitz – For the love of our Children

Die vraag waarmee ek deesdae worstel, is hoe kry ons mense om meer te gee as wat hulle wil hê?  Om in plaas van hand uitsteek om te ontvang, hand uit die mou steek om iets te doen. ‘n Moeilike ene, hoor ek jou sê.

Miskien is die antwoord: Van kleins af?

Ek weet maar al te goed daar is individue wat prysenswaardige dinge doen, maar dit voel of die meeste mense net besig is om bymekaar te maak in plaas daarvan om weg te gee.  Nie dat daar fundamenteel iets mee verkeerd is om vir jouself te sorg nie, maar om om te sien na ander wat minder as jy het, bly tog ’n kardinale verantwoordelikheid van elke mens.

Ek sê nou die dag vir ‘n klomp matrieks op hul matriekkamp dat dit vir my lyk of ’n mens eers iets moet verloor voor jy iets uitsonderliks begin doen.

Want dit is mense soos Nick Vujicic, Hein Wagner, Natalie du Toit en Jessica Cox wat dinge laat gebeur.  Dit is hulle wat sonder sig, arms en bene die hoogste berge klim en die vinnigste voertuie trotseer om ander te help.


Ashley behind the camera.

En iemand soos Ashley Kaimowitz…  Hier volg ’n uittreksel van haar aangrypende verhaal soos vertel deur Carte Blanche:

Summer in Cape Town six years ago… and for 19-year-old Ashley Kaimowitz, the world was her oyster. Popular, talented and full of hope for the future, she was about to go to film school in Australia on a scholarship.

Then came the news that every parent dreads…

Ashley was killed by a drunk driver while driving to her home in Sea Point.

Losing a daughter and a sister was devastating.  But beyond their grief, Ashley had left a legacy which would reach into other people’s lives for years to come.

Three years earlier, when she was 16, Ashley had been on a school trip to Khayelitsha organized by the local Rotary club. The school girls had met with community leader, Nocawe Mankayi, who had responded to a desperate need for help in her abuse-ridden area.

On the day the school girls arrived to visit the centre, Nocawe had been helping a little girl who had been brutally raped. She relayed the story to them, moving Ashley and her fellow pupils to tears.

Nocawe: You know they were all crying. And there was this particular child, who was Ashley, who said: Today, I’m taking a decision in terms of curbing the abuse of children in Khayelitsha.

Despite no film experience, Ashley was determined to raise awareness of the situation by making a documentary.  She raised a thousand rand, rallied her friends together and took to the streets of Khayelitsha with camera in hand.

She called her documentary Uthando labantwana – For the love of our children.

During October 2005 Carte Blanch picked up on Ashley’s story. She knew Nocawe needed to raise funds for a new centre.  Nocawe’s dream was to build a proper counseling center, with a safe house, a clinic and counseling rooms.

Support poured in from Carte Blanche viewers.

In April 2008 the Nonceba Family Counselling Centre was opened.  That October, it was dedicated to the memory of Ashley Kaimowitz.

Kom ons leer ons kinders, en al die kinders aan ons sorg toevertrou, dat dit beter is om te gee as om te ontvang.  Dat dit nóg beter is om jou hande in nat sement te druk om ’n huis te bou as om net jou geld in die bussie te gooi.  Dat dit die beste is om sonder iets klaar te kom omdat jy iets vir iemand anders gegee het wat dit nodiger as jy het.

Uthando labantwana!

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. – Maya Angelou 

I hate the giving of the hand unless the whole man accompanies it. – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is giving me that which you need more than I do. – Khalil Gibran

Photo: Steven Yafa

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Maak ‘n Verskil

Dit gaan rof in die Kaap!

Die Stormers wen en die eerste winterkoue het die Kaap getref.

Dit het tyd geword vir ‘n kaggelvuur, snoek, patats en ’n baie goeie rooi wyn.

Maar saam met hierdie baie welkome reën kruip daar egter ook so ‘n knaende kouerigheid in my hart, want ek weet êrens is daar mense wat aan die ongenaakbaarheid van dieselfde natuur oorgelaat is. Êrens is daar kinders wat honger en koud skool toe gaan.

Earlier this year I wrote about Ashley Kaimowitz and I mentioned a few charities I thought schools could get involved with. One of them was the Potato Foundation in Pretoria.

The Potato Foundation was established in February 2007 and the name of the organisation was adopted around the growth concept of a potato.

Giving is very much like a potato – its roots are hidden and the growing effect thereof is not visible until the potato is harvested. The Potato Foundation aims to be exactly that – the roots within our community sustaining and nurturing assistance to uplift and empower children and give them an opportunity to take their rightful place within society.

Esmarié Robbertse, an attorney who specialises in children’s rights and family law founded the Potato Foundation. She is ably assisted by her sister, Eugenie van den Heever, an accountant. The two siblings have a burning passion for children and advocate the promotion of children’s rights in our society. Both of them left their very successful careers to pursue this dream.

I again want to urge you to get your school involved with this worthwhile cause. If not them, any other organisation of your choice, but we have to teach our children not to wait for the world to change, but that they can change the world.

The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free. – Robert Brault

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