Al Gore & Peter de Villiers: USA meets RSA

Got you!

I did think that the caption of this post will get your attention.

I bet your initial thought was what can  Al Gore and Peter de Villiers have in common?

And you were correct the first time. Absolutely nothing!

The only thing they have in common is the date. 14 September 2011. But so do us also.

On this day Al Gore will be with his Climate Reality Project that will be presented for 24 hours.  24 Presenters. 24 Time Zones. 13 Languages. 1 Message.  24 Hours of Reality is a worldwide event to broadcast the reality of the climate crisis. Al Gore and his team will be trying to save the world for humankind.

Check out Wat doen jy op 14 September for more details concerning this fantastic and inspiring project.

Peter de Villiers on the other hand, will be trying to save the dreams of South Africans in picking a team that will successfully defend our status as reigning world champions. It seems to me that he may have misjudged the term experience when he picked the squad with geriatric!

In a letter to Die Burger  Lallie de Wet from Caledon in the Overberg announced his intentions of having a braai with Peter, John Smit and Victor Matfield. And he has very clear and sound reasons for inviting each of them (click image to enlarge):

Braai or no braai. Peter will be his entertaining self.  Saying what he thinks; or is it not thinking what he  is saying?

Maybe Al and Peter do have something in common?

The colour GREEN!


His philosophy on winning:
“There’s little difference between winning and losing, except you feel better after winning.”

On clever people:
” I am a ‘small-brain’ person. A small-brain person doesn’t need to go sit down and study over what he’s going to say to people; it comes naturally. People who study and get A’s and B’s are clever people. But people who don’t go and study and have all that wisdom are wise.”

Ahead of a test against Wales:
“We will give them a psychological advantage and we cannot allow that. We’ve read in the papers here that they believe South Africa are ripe for the picking. They’re comparing us with some fruit from a Welsh fruit farm but they need to know that when you pick fruit, it isn’t just apples and pears; there are prickly pears as well. We want to be a prickly pear for them this Saturday.”

Following Schalk Burger’s banning during the Lions series:
“If we want to eye-gouge any Lions we will go down to the bushveld like we do and eye- gouge them there.”

“If we are going on like this, why don’t we go to the nearest ballet shop, get some tutus and get a dancing shop going? There will be no eye-gouging, no tackling, no nothing and we will enjoy it.”

“I know dancing is also a contact sport but rugby is far from dancing. If you want to run with the big dogs then sometimes you have to lift your leg.”


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